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Per aspera ad astra
The bridge  Tilting

    Channel of Pra river frequently intercept bridges, through which one pass roads from one village to another. In villages, it is possible to gain the rivers, arranged on beaches, products. The racks are in villages: Juvino, Olgino, Deulino, Pavlovskoje, Brykin Bohr. From Deulino the bus up to Ryazan (50 kms) goes. Below Deulino bridge - it is necessary to bypass an island, which one on the right. If the time allows, it is necessary to go in an ostium Kadj river, left-hand in-leak of Pra river. For Deulino village, on the right I protect, picturesque were over можжевельника, so-called « cypress поляна ». Here good beach and place for parking. Near an ostium Kadj river on the left-hand coast of Pra river the oaks grow the opposite beach is boarded with pines. Kadj river - small wood river originating from swamps near a settlement Golovanovo. The channel is strongly littered with tiltings. On kayaks it is possible to mount upstream up to a cordon Platunina(about 2 kms). From here wood road goes in a settlement Golovanovo. Near - settlement Kursha, where in 1901 of lodes(veins) the writer And. And. Куприн. With these places his many of stories are connected.
    From ostiums Kadj river up to Pavlovskoje Pra river strongly winds. Much places with fast flow. A forest on beaches mixed, basically oak, with an impurity of a birch and aspen. Before a lockin in Pra river of its right in-leak - White river - automobile bridge on a road village Belskoje - Pavlovskoje. Belskoje is connected to Ryazan by bus service.
    Below than an ostium of White river Pra river becomes deeper and more twistingly. We drive one more bridge on a road Kudom - Velje. Downstream on the left-hand coast - Krasnensky cordon (in 200 - 300 m from beaches). Near a cordon backwater with water nut coal.

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