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    In some kilometers on the left-hand coast are demonstrated a pile with a placard «Oksky state reserve». Its southern boundary was extended on the left-hand coast Pra river more than on 50 kms. To land in territory of reserve, to dilute chocks, to catch a fish it is forbidden. Not reaching approximately 5 kms up to a cordon the Old (stands in depth get on the left-hand coast of the river) - a large island, which one can be bypassed both right, and left-hand sleeve.
     In Brykin Bohr there is a control of reserve. From the sanction of management and under the passing giving in control of reserve, it is possible to make excursions in nursery, on lake Sacred and so on.
    The nursery is arranged in 3 kms from Brykin Bohr. A beautiful wood road there conducts. To lake Sacred from the bridge through Pra river we go also wood dear on village Lubjaniky. In a half of kms from the bridge to the left of a road a cordon a Poor mountain. Hardly the wearing title Putishe is farther низина. Earlier here there was a channel, which one was constructed by the owners of a plant working by the begining of ХХ in Brykin Bohr.

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