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Birch grove  Beginning of a forest

    Pra river below Spas-Klepiki flows on vast flatness. The forests start near Vzvoz village (see right photo). The beaches are boarded with pine borons, birch groves, raspberry. It is a lot of funguses and berries. Good places for bathing. However channel in many places is littered with trees.
    Soon Grishino village is demonstrated. More than hundred years back here stood Jakovlev's factory, making knives, spoon, razors, finest surgical tools and even weapon. The articles of the factory were renowned not only in Russia, but also overseas. In 1843 ã, it has received a golden medal on the exhibition in Moscow, and in 1849 the right to mint on the articles the State Emblem. The factory repeatedly took the maiden places on the exhibitions in St. Petersburg, London and other cities. Then it was destroyed. The begun to rot staffs before the bridge through Pra river - everything, that remained from it.
    In 5 kms downstream from the right beach depart small backwater in the party of a pine boron. Here it is recommended to be stopped on day-off. In a half of kms from the river - wood cordon 273. These places are described in an Paustovsky's essay «Cordon 273». From here it is interesting to make walking tours on picturesque wood lakes: Orso, Shuja, Lenevo.

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